Discover Ephesus and Top Destinations in Western Turkey with an expert tour guide and a TripAdvisor Winner for 13 consecutive years.
Private Ephesus Tours for Costa Cruises Passengers from Kusadasi Port and Izmir PortSeveral Costa Cruises ships dock at the Cruise Port of Izmir. For Costa Cruises passengers, we offer private Ephesus Tours from Izmir Cruise Port.
Some of the Costa Cruises ships that dock at Izmir Cruise Port:
First call for 2014 will be Costa neoRomantica. Costa neoRomantica will dock at Izmir Cruise Port tomorrow on February 17th. For more information about private Ephesus tours from Izmir Cruise Port, please contact us.
日本語を話す認可されたツアーガイドとのプライベートエフェソスツアー。エフェス遺跡 現存するギリシャ文明最大の遺跡で、アルテミス神殿は古代世界七不思議のひとつといわれている遺跡。世界最大級の大規模な古代都市遺跡の他に、アルテミス神殿の遺跡、イエスの母マリアが晩年を過ごしたといわれる地に建てられた礼拝堂『聖母マリアの家』、聖ヨハネ教会、考古学博物館などがあり、トルコの重要な観光地の1つになっています。 エフェス(エフェソス)遺跡, 聖母マリアの家, アルテミス神殿 : 6時間(クシャダス/セルチュク発)– 7時間 (イズミル発) : トルコプライベート日帰り現地ツアー : 365日いつでもご利用できます。 : ガイドとお客様で集合時間を決めることができます。 ツアーの詳細 : 始めに訪れるのは、 古代のプリミレグレコのローマ都市であるエフェスです。ここでは、ハドリアヌス神殿や、ドミティアヌス神殿、ヘラクレスの門やケルスス図書館、大劇場など、古代ローマの遺跡を回ります。次に、聖母マリアが最後の日々を過ごしたと言われている聖母マリアの家に向かいます。彼女は聖ヨハネによってここへ連れてこられたと考えられており、2006年11月29日には、ローマ教皇であるベネディクト16世よって、この家は聖域であると宣言されました。ランチはもちろん、おいしくヘルシー、伝統的なトルコ料理です。そして最後に訪れるのは、古代の世界7不思議であるアルテミス神殿です。 詳しくはお問い合わせ下さい。 Экскурсии по Эфесу с русскоговорящими гидами.Мы предлагаем Эфес экскурсии для круизных пассажиров с местными русскими гидами говоря тур. Эти экскурсии можно начать с Кушадасы круиз-Харбор, Измир круиз-Харбор, Кушадасы Отели, Selcuk Отели, Измир: отели, Sirince Гостиницы и Аэропорт Измира. Экскурсия в Эфес и Дом дева Марии является самым популярным экскурсия. Экскурсия в древний город ЭфесЭфес - древний город, расположенный на территории современной Турции и важным археологических раскопок. В настоящее время Эфес находится в непосредственной близости от города Сельчук. Эфес был построен на берегу Эгейского моря, а также тем, что был портовый город за счет торговли развивалась очень быстро. После того, как отбыл моря, наблюдается быстрый спад города. В настоящее время руины Эфеса составляет около 6 километрах от побережья. Эфес - город, который связан со многими древнегреческими мифами и легендами, в первую очередь славится храма Артемиды (550 до н.э. E..) - Один из семи чудес древнего мира, который был разрушен по приказу императора Тхеодосиус. Достопримечательности Эфеса
Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите: 3 wonderful days at the Greek island of Samos
This week we enkoyed 3 wonderful days at the Greek island of Samos with my wife. This was our first visit and we enjoyed tremendously. Altough it is very close, it is quite different from Kusadasi. Samos is less crowded and less touristy than Kusadasi. It is a quite town you do not see many people walking through the streets and there are no salesman trying to attract you to their shops or restaurants. Samos is a charming island that we recommend travellers who are staying in Kusadasi for an overnight trip to Samos from Kusadasi.
Pergamon in the third century BC was one of the most prosperous cities of the ancient world.Known today as Bergama. Located 100 km. north of Izmir. Attalid Dynasty assigned the city as a capital for their kingdom named as Pergamon Kingdom. Pergamon has also a biblical importance. Mentioned in the book of revelation in the New Testament among the seven churches of Asia Minor. The city was known as the city where the throne of Satan is located.
Pergamon had a huge altar dedicated Zeus, had the second largest library of the ancient world after the library in Alexandria, a huge temple dedicated to Roman Emperor Trajan, the steepest theater of the ancient world, a huge famous ancient hospital where Doctor Galenos served. Recently as a part of private project, acropolis of Pergamon is recreated by Clemens Poblotzki. This is a very successful one for travelers to visualize the size of this magnificent ancient site. For more information about this project, visit We organize private tours of Pergamon from Kusadasi and Izmir. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us. ¿Viaja en un crucero que recala en el puerto de Kusadasi?¿Su grupo de conocidos cruceristas desea realizar una excursión privada por Efeso? ¡No lo piense dos veces!Formamos y organizamos grupos para la excursión a Éfeso, que usted puede reservar con solo enviarnos un correo electronico.
Este exclusivo tour a Éfeso está diseñado para permitir la posibilidad de diseñar a medida su tiempo en tierra y descubrir los lugares más interesantes e increíbles, con la comodidad y privacidad de su propio vehículo privado y la atención personalizada de un conductor y un guía de habla hispana. De esta manera, usted tendrá la flexibilidad e independencia adecuadas para diseñar su itinerario de acuerdo a sus propios intereses, y disfrutar de las vistas y lugares a su propio ritmo. Nuestra excursión está indicada tanto para personas que viajan solas, solteros, parejas, familias, grupos de amigos y grupos con intereses especiales que viajan juntos. También puede ser una excelente opción para clientes con minusvalías. Para reservar nuestras excursiones privadas y otros servicios, puede enviar un correo electronico. Very close to Istanbul there are 9 islands known as Princes' IslandsVery close to Istanbul there are 9 islands. The largest ones are named as Burgazada, Heybeliada, Buyukada, Kinaliada or also known as Princes` islands. For travellers who are staying in Istanbul for more than 2 days, visiting the Princes` Islands on their own could be a good option. During the Byzantine era of Istanbul princes were exiled to the islands and later some of members of the Ottoman Royal family. During the 19th century islands became quite popular. Many artists, writers and wealthy had their had cottoges built. There was a major population of Greek inhabitance in the islands. Still there are remains of some churches can be visited like Aya Yorgi Church and Monastry in Buyukada. It is a popular destination not only by the tourists but by the locals. Our recommendation is to go there in a weekday since weekends could be very crowded. There are regular ferries departing from Kabatas to Princes` Islands. The largest and the most popular one is Buyukada whick means big island in Turkish. There are no cars in the islands, so there the only way of transportation is horse carriages and bicycles. There are quite many places where you can rent a bike in Buyukada. Hourly rental charge is 10 Turkish Liras per bike. Be aware that the islands are quite hilly therefore you need to be fit enough to ride a bike. The other option is to take a horse carriage. The prices vary a lot for horse carriages. Bargaining is recommended. They offer two options as short tour and long tour. Approximate charge to take a horse carriage is 50 Turkish Liras. The last option is to wander on foot. The ferry ride from Kabatas takes approximately an hour. If the weather is good, be sure to sit outside the boat to enjoy the great views of Istanbul, Bosphorus and sea of Marmara. Buyukada is the last stop for the ferry. Ferries depart Kabatas almost every 2 hour staring from 7am in the morning. Below please find some of the pictures we have takes during our visit to Buyukada in April 2012. Tours privados de Pamukkale desde Kusadasi con guias de espanol![]() Hemos comenzado a operar tours privados de Pamukkale desde Kusadasi y Selcuk. Debido a la larga distancia esta gira sólo es adecuado para los viajeros que pasar la noche en Kusadasi o la ciudad de Selcuk. El nombre antiguo de Pamukkale es Hierápolis. Pamukkale es el nombre moderno que significa el castillo de algodón en Turco. Desde 1998, Pamukkale (Hierápolis) es parte de la lista de Patrimonio para la Humanidad de la UNESCO. Recomendamos la visita de este sitio patrimonio de la Unesco, además de Efeso. Pamukkale es ubicado en la provincia de Denizli. Es uno de los más impresionantes lugares de Turquía.. Itenerio de la excursion privada de Pamukkale Su guía le recogerá para el día completo en Pamukkale y Hierápolis. Para llegar a esta hermosa, natural e histórica región lleva como 3 horas en carro desde Kusadasi, pero esto será una experiencia agradable para usted. Vamos a visitar Pamukkale, que significa “castillo de algodón” en turco, con sus traventinas, terrazas de minerales de carbonato dejados por el agua que fluye de aguas termales. Hierápolis ha sido uno de los spas y centros de salud más importantes desde el siglo segundo para los judíos, los primeros cristianos y romanos. Al final del recorrido usted será trasladado a su hotel en Kusadasi o Selcuk o Pamukkale. Precio de la excursión privada a Pamukkale desde Kusadasi y Selcuk: Coche privado con conductor y guía para 2 personas para todo el día 8 horas 220 Euros Minibús privado con conductor y guía para 4 personas para todo el día 8 horas 240 Euros Minibús privado con conductor y guía para 14 personas para todo el día 8 horas 290 Euros Pequeño autobús privado con conductor y guía para 25 personas para todo el día 8 horas 400 Euros El precio cubre - Los servicios de un excelente Guía de habla español. - Aire acondicionado de vehículos. - Todos los gastos de transporte. - Los impuestos, cargos por servicios - Almuerzo - Estacionamiento Precio no cubren: - Entradas a los sitios. (El costo aproximado de las entrada: 9 euros por persona) - Bebidas durante el almuerzo Para obtener más información, por favor haga clic aquí. Частные туры в Эфес из аэропорта Измира с лицензированными русскоговорящими гидами.Мы организуем индивидуальные туры Эфес из Измира аэропорта. Путешественники, которые остаются в Стамбуле можно совершить однодневную поездку в Эфес. Измир Аднан Мендерес аэропорт находится ближайший аэропорт в Ефес. Продолжительность полета из Стамбула в Измир составляет 55 минут.
Мы предоставляем эксклюзивные индивидуальные туры Эфес в том числе подобрать и уходят из / в Измире аэропорта Аднан Мендерес. Для путешественников, которые будут летать из Стамбула мы рекомендуем следующие рейсы: Pegasus: Стамбул> Измир: PC2811 отдел Стамбуле в 9:10 утра Измир> Стамбул: PC2816 отдел Измир в 6:15 вечера Turkish Airlines: Стамбул> Измир TK2312 отдел Стамбуле в 8:00 Измир> Стамбул: TK2329 отдел Измир в 6:00 вечера Пожалуйста, нажмите здесь для рекомендуются частные туры Эфес от аэропорта Измира. Если вам нужна дополнительная информация, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Beyoglu is a district, located at the European side of Istanbul.Beyoglu is a district, located at the European side of Istanbul. In the older times, the area was named as Pera. Pera, the word is derived from Greek meaning `Across`. After the foundation of rebuplic of Turkey, the district was named oficially as Beyoglu. Altough the word Beyoglu, means son of a lord, historians believe that the word is derived from the layin word Bailo. Bailo was a title of a Venetian diplomat who served as a mediator between Venetian and Ottoman trade and political relations. The first Bailo was sent to Istanbul in the time of Suleyman the Magnificent. Most probably the Bailo had a palace in this district, therefore this area is named after himself. ![]() First inhabitance of Beyoglu, dates back to the period of Christ. After the 4th crusade, a lot of Venetians settled in this area till 1261. In 1273, Pera was given to the Republic of Genoa and became an important trade colony. In 1348 the Genoese built the famous Galata Tower. After the Ottomans conquered the city of Constantinopolis, Genoese kept living in the area under the Turkish rule. At this time, Venice established political and commercial ties with the Ottoman Empire, and a Venetian Bailo was sent to Pera as an ambassador, Most pobably it is the Venetian Bailo who suggested Leonardo da Vinci when the Sultan mentioned his intention to construct a bridge over the Golden Horn. The Venetians were also the first Europeans to taste Ottoman delicacies such as coffee. Centuries before other Europeans saw coffee beans for the first time in their lives during the siege of Vienna in 1683. During the 19th century Beyoglu was again home to many European traders, and housed many embassies, especially along the Rue de Péra (İstiklâl Street). The presence of such a prominent European population - commonly referred to as Levantines - made it the most Westernized part of İstanbul, especially when compared to the Old City at the other side of the Golden Horn. Beyoğlu was one of the first parts of İstanbul to have telephone lines, electricity, trams, municipal government and even an underground subway. Subway in Tunel was built in 1875 as the world's second subway line (after London's Underground) to carry the people of Pera up and down from the port of Galata and the nearby business and banking district of Karaköy, where the Bankalar Caddesi (Banks Street), the financial center of the Ottoman Empire, is located. The theatre, cinema, patisserie and café culture that still remains strong in Beyoğlu dates from this late Ottoman period. Shops like İncluding famous for its delicacies still survive today.
The foreign communities also built their own schools, many of which went on to educate the elite of future generations of Turks, and still survive today as some of the best schools in Istanbul. The rapid modernization which took place in Europe and left Ottomans behind was symbolized by the differences between Beyoğlu and the historic Turkish quarters such as Eminönü and Fatih across the Golden Horn, in the Old City. When the Ottoman sultans finally initiated a modernization program after 1839. Numerous buildings in Beyoğlu that mixed traditional Ottoman styles with newer European ones were constructed. In addition, Sultan Abdülmecid stopped living in the Topkapı Palace and built a new palace near Beyoğlu, called the Dolmabahçe Palace, which blended the Neo-Classical, Baroque and Rococo styles. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed and the Turkish Republic was founded, Beyoğlu went into gradual decline. Much of the foreign communities left the city, and the local communities of ethnic minorities such as Greeks, Jews, Levantines and Armenians who formed the majority of the residents in Beyoğlu found it increasingly attractive to live elsewhere. The Wealth Tax of the World War II years and the Cyprus dispute in 1974 resulted many non-muslim families and business to leave Pera district. The widespread political violence between leftist and rightist groups which troubled Turkey in the late 1970s severely affected the lifestyle of the district, and accelerated its decline with the flight of the middle-class citizens to newer suburban areas. By the late 1980s, many of the elegant apartment blocks which were once inhabited by the late Ottoman elite became home to immigrants from the countryside of Turkey. Most of the consulates are still in this area; the Italian, British, German, Greek, Russian, Dutch, and Swedish consulates are significant in terms of their history and architecture. Higlight of the area is Istiklal Street once known as the Rue de Pera. A pedestrianised 1 mile street of shops, cafes, patisseries, restaurants, bookshops, cinemas and art galleries. Some of İstiklal has a 19th century metropolitan character, and the avenue is lined with Neoclassical and Art Nouveau buildings. The nostalgic tram which runs on Istiklal Avenue, between Taksim Square and Tunel, was also reoperated in the early 1990s with the aim of reviving the historic and nostalgic atmosphere of the district. One of the higlights of Istiklal Avenue is Cicek Pasaji (Cité de Péra). The 19th century Cicek Pasaji (Flower Passage in Turkish or Cité de Péra in French) opened in 1876. A miniature version of the famous Galleria in Milan, Italy, The site of Cicek Pasaji was originally occupied by a theatre, which was burned during the great fire in 1870. After the fire of 1870, the theatre was purchased by a local Greek banker. Architect Kleanthis Zannos designed the current building, which was called Cité de Péra in its early years. In 1908 the Ottoman Grand Vizier purchased the building, and it became known as the Sait Pasha Passage. By the 1940s the building was mostly occupied by flower shops. The building was restored in 1988, it was reopened as a passage for fish restaurants. Clarence Palmer was the Gallipoli spy who might have ended World War I earlier.Anzac refers to Australıan and New Zealand Corps. On April 25th 1915 during WW1 there was an Anzac landing at Gallipoli peninsula at the location what is known today as Anzac Cove. Gallipoli landing on April 25th was the begining of one bloodiest battles of 20th century. The battles and ocuupation took for 8 months. Many young people died from both sides. Anzac Cove is located right by a very steep hill. Why the landing was made here was a mystery. A lot of the historians referered this due to the high current at the sea, the landing was made at a wrong location. Recently on History Channel a doumentary clarified the subject. Clarence Palmer was the Gallipoli spy who might have ended World War I and countless lives earlier. Clarence Palmer was a Cambridge educated Naval officer. After unsuccessful naval attacks of Allied forces on March 18th 1915. The British sent the Australian submarine AE2 through the minefields at Dardanelles. The submarine ran aground, the crew captured. Only one wasn't wearing a uniform: Clarence Palmer.
Palmer escaped from Turkey once war was declared and gave his carefully charted map of the challenges to an assault on the Dardanelles. Then he reappeared on the submarine AE2. He was speaking fluent Turkish. The Turks thought that he was a spy and threatened him with execution. Palmer to save his neck, he offered Turks to give the details of the expected landing plan. But he reversed it. He told the Turks the main landing was going to be [far to the north of Anzac Cove]. The German commander in charge of the Turkish forces, General Otto Liman von Sanders, kept 20,000 men in the north because he felt that is where the main landing would be … because he believed Palmer. Palmer survived the war in a Turkish prison camp, resurfaced as a British diplomat, and died in 1936. He was decorated for his role on the submarine. What remains a mystery is what his precise role was. ''But the hat that he was wearing on the submarine is still in the Turkish Military museum in Istanbul. Military Museum is open except Mondays and Tuesdays. Prefer going there in the afternoon. At 3pm there is Mehter (Ottoman Military Band) live concert. Below article is published on one of the Turkish newspapers about Ephesus Austrian archaeologist devotes life to Ephesus excavationsAustrian architect and archaeologist Anton Bammer has worked in Ephesus for 50 years in a lifelong quest to uncover the ancient city's richness. An Austrian team has been involved in excavations in the region since 1895. Bammer joined the team at the young age of 25 and has been working in Selçuk for the past 50 years.Speaking to the Anatolia news agency, Bammer explained that he has always been very impressed by the ancient city, saying, “I have dedicated my life to Ephesus.” Noting that during his first years in Ephesus he worked in the ancient Roman city on the reconstruction the Memmius Monument, Bammer said he began working on the Artemision excavations in 1965 and successfully reconstructed a column of a giant shrine in 1970. He participated in various digs every year at the Temple of Artemis and discovered several holy structures and sanctuaries during his tenure at the site. The Austrian archaeologist noted that Ephesus had great political, economic, religious and cultural significance during ancient times and explained that the city was referred to as the Light of Asia (Lumen Asiae) by the Romans. Bammer initially studied architecture, but later continued his education in geophysics and wrote his dissertation on brick architecture in Ephesus. During his work on the Temple of Artemis, he discovered the temple's altar, the location of which had been unknown, in 1965. Following several years of excavation, it was discovered that the Temple of Artemis, which is seen as one of the leading monumental altars in ancient architecture, had existed since ancient times and had been rebuilt during the fifth century. Bammer is not only interested in archaeology and architecture, but has also written articles on the uniquely designed wooden homes he has encountered during his travels in Turkey and Greece and enjoys painting with watercolors. He is also a founding member of the Zürich-based Artemis Culture, Art and Education Foundation, which aims to reconstruct the temple as one of the wonders of the world. We offer private tours of Ephesus Ancient city, for more information please contact us.
Tour privado de una semana de Turquía. Circuito TurquiaEfeso, Pamukkale, Capadocia, Estambul... |
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Ephesus Travel Guide by TransBalkan Tours is a fully licenced tour operator and a member of TURSAB. License: A 776.